
Noal Riley
Noal Riley
Great outcome and good at what they do 👌
Friendly, Explained the treatment very well
Helen Spears
Helen Spears
I have been going to Julie for approximately 5 weeks. My problem was a bursar on my right hip. I had been to doctors etc , had scans to verify this was my problem. Had an injection. That did nothing to relieve my discomfort. I read about Julie’s treatment and decided to give it a go.After Julie examined me said she could definitely help me , the problem was not a bursar.She has been treating me with the soaz method. I am feeling so much better. Movement, and posture has definitely improved. Stiffness in my back has gone. Back to enjoying my walking , and nearly ready to start my tennis again.Thanks to Julie .
Visha Chant
Visha Chant
Since 2018 I was suffering with bad ankle pain and now with a slip disc was very hard to manage day to day life been to many Physio , osteopath ,doctors , massages, nothing seem to help and a work friend recommended me to see Julie Williams at Posture Pro Greenacres Adelaide after 6 weeks of treatment I am nearly pain free can’t thank Julie enough she is very good at at what she does with her SOAZ METHOD.
Sharee Trenerry
Sharee Trenerry
After seeing Julie for a lower back pain that just 'appeared' she has helped by using the SOAZ method. She has given me takeaway exercises that have helped with my upper back for which I used to see massage therapists to help loosen. I feel a lot more comfortable when working at my desk all day.
Brett Johns
Brett Johns
At 52 years of age I was training for the masters games in Powerlifting. During training I hurt my hamstring and not for the first time. Julie was recommended to me.Julie started working on me without touching my hamstring instead working on the root of the issues. With in a week I was pain free with my flexibility greatly improved. This allowed me to get into position easily and correctly. I had instant improvements in my Squat and Deadlift. I continued to see Julie to a couple of days before the competition. It was the first time since Augusta 2019 I could do Squats.With 4 golds up for grabs i won 3 gold and one silver. My Deadlift was the heaviest Deadlift for an over 50 in SA. My lifts were:Squat 235kgBench Press 180kgDeadlift 280kgTotal 695kg.
Jodie Lang
Jodie Lang
After years of of seeing physios seeing specialist doin Pilates hydrotherapy n exercises which didn't work suffering chronic pain living on oesteo Panadol n different medications I started seeing Julie last year after proper treatment n exercises I can now say I have stopped taking medication for the last six months I am super happy I recommend Julie to everyone a big thanku to her for helping me
Sapna Sharma
Sapna Sharma
I had very bad back problem could not move at all. It started in April and I went to many places but it was not helpful at all. As everyone was just treating the pain and its symptoms not the actual problem. Almost after 3 months I started searching for someone who can actually treat my problem. I didn't want temporary solution to my pain. because after each visit to physio pain was ok but again restricted movements and pain was keep coming back. After lot of searching I found Posturepro Physiotherapy. I read about Julie and her treatment technique Soaz. I watched the video and decided to go and see her. i was lucky enough that I got appointment with her very next day. After my first visit I realised this is exactly I was looking for my treatment. She didn't treat my pain but she found the root of the problem. I had no movement but today I have got all my movements back and can do my daily chores. The exercise she has suggested to me looks simple but very effective. I can feel myself that it is strengthening my core muscles. She know what she is doing and how to treat the root of the problem not like other just treat the symptoms and you wil get the pain back. I would recommend Julie to anyone who is looking to treat the problem not the symptoms. She is the best and know how to help her patients to get back to normal life . Thank you so much Julie. I am glad I found you and thank you for the treatment.
Margaret Minney
Margaret Minney
A year ago my lower back suddenly went on me and the pain was debilitating. I too my daughter's advice and saw Julie Williams of Posture Pro, who applied the SOAZ method and had me in good nick for an adventure holiday in the Top End, four weeks later. Earlier this year, the sole of my right foot developed a soreness to the point where walking was not funny, Having Parkinson's Disease, walking is important to me. Julie worked out what was wrong and arranged orthotics, which she fitted into my walking shoes. The foot is now free of soreness in my other shoes too. Now Julie is helping me with some issues from the Parkinson's. I am feeling in really good shape.
Emma Breagan
Emma Breagan
I have been visiting Julie for a while now. She is different to any other physio. She uses the SOAZ method. I have improved movement and reduction in pain. Thanks Julie 🙂
David Heatley
David Heatley
I've spent thousands of dollars on massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, stretching, yoga, and strength work over the years to try and resolve my tight hip flexors, and knee and lower back pain issues. While these have all helped to manage my pain, Julie has been the first to address the root cause rather than just symptoms. In just weeks of working with Julie I’ve had, by far, the biggest reduction in pain and improvements to my overall mobility and back strength than any of the previous treatments I’ve had. It’s not often that you come across someone that is truly remarkable and a leader in their profession. Julie is one of these people and her Soaz Method is something very special.
Michelle Mc
Michelle Mc
I had been to many physio's over the years until I found Julie. Julie's Soaz method is the only thing that works on my back and neck and as a chronic headache sufferer her treatments have made a huge difference to the quality of my life.
steven matthews
steven matthews
After going to five other physio my friend told me about Julie I went there and she had a completely different approach called the soaz method it works pain free for two years highly recommend
Nancy Huizink
Nancy Huizink
Just recently, Julie did acupuncture for me to try to alleviate hot flushes/flashes, we've done two sessions and my hot flushes I think have reduced by maybe 30%...I have in the last week stopped my HRT gel so I'll have a truer picture over the next week or two, but so far I'm confident that the acupuncture is working enough for me to stop the hormones, which is great, because the risk of cancer in my family is higher and ideally would like to be off all medications for this.
After a couple of visits I felt that my posture & flex ability was better, and it continues, but you the exercises your given.
Jeanette Barnes
Jeanette Barnes
Julie's treatment has addressed my longstanding back pain and tension headaches. I felt the benefits after just a few treatments. I highly recommend the Soaz method.
Julie fixed my back pain.She has magical skills.
Carly Harris
Carly Harris
The first thing you must know is that Julie is incredible and knows exactly what she is doing! Julie has helped me incredibly, her SOAZ method is unlike anything I’ve ever seen nor heard! Since my first consultation with Julie she has explained how important it is that I obtain better movement in order to relieve the pain I experience and in order to gain better movement, my psoas muscles need to be relieved and relaxed to do so. If you are looking for a physio who can help you understand your pain and actually improve your movement, Julie is the person you need to see!
geoff lambert
geoff lambert
I have had chronic pain in my neck shoulders and knees for over 2 years with not much results from standard physio / chiropractic treatment. I have only been seeing Julie for a couple weeks and all I can say is that I am very confident in her expertise and methods to start living again without pain. The best thing is how Julie also educates so you can actually understand the cause of your pain. you After the very first consult I had the best sleep in 2 years.
kerry judy
kerry judy
Very helpful i thought i had a knee problem but Julie said it was muscle and used the Soaz method of treatment and after treatment i feel great
I have tried everything else to help with chronic pain and restricted mobility. This Unique Soaz method has really worked and i have never felt better, consistently now for months, real and lasting change. Thank you Julie for your great work and dedication.
renee sowter
renee sowter
I started to suffer from extreme headaches caused by my back and neck pain. I could not longer exercise without waking up the next day with a headache.I was recommend to see Julie who was treating with her Soaz method.To my surprise, the method works. I am proof that this treatment works. My headaches and pains are gone and I can move freely. I feel the best I have felt in years!
Phil Pullinger
Phil Pullinger
I cycle most days and I have started racing and follow a training plan. I had been suffering from a sore stomach and side for about 18 months which was a nagging issue that was beginning to get worse and worse and affected my performance. I saw a number of physiotherapists and osteopaths and was diagnosed with trapped nerves in my back and also received remedial massage to my abdominal wall. None of which was successful at all. I managed to find Posturepro at Greenacres and met Julie who practised the Soaz Method. Almost instantly I started to feel relief and the exercise she recommended began to instantly take effect. I am now totally cured. I would recommend that Posturepro is your first port of call. Thanks
Bill Odell
Bill Odell
I went to Julie with back pain and over a period of a few months the pain has ceased and feel that with the exercises she has given me I can maintain that positionI like her no nonsense approach and her positive informative manner.
Emily Brown
Emily Brown
Posturepro have helped me completely minimise the continuous back pain that I had following a sporting incident. Julie Williams works incredibly efficiently and I have been recommending her to friends and family too.
Keyna Ford
Keyna Ford
I have been to see Julie for an injury to my shoulder that has been annoying me so much for the past 6 months. On meeting Julie In our first consultation she told me that the issue was not my shoulder at all and that it was my neck and back. After a couple of sessions where she worked on my Psos muscle I have had great results. I am able to lift my arm directly up in the air, of which I wasnt able to do two weeks ago because of the pain. In our last session she actually pushed under my right shoulder and the relief I got in my left shoulder was unbelievable. I will continue to see Julie as I want the pain to never return. She treats the cause of the pain not the exact area and I feel this is why I am having such a good recovery. She deals with the foundations and is not just covering up the cracks and getting a quick fix. She has never actually physically touched my left shoulder but by relieving muscles in other parts of my body the pain has completely subsided. I would recommend anyone with chronic pain in a particular part of the body to go and see her as the results speak for itself. I know I am not fully better just yet but I am so happy with what we have achieved in two weeks. I look forward to being pain free and being able to continue on without a constant nagging pain in my shoulder that has affected both my work and private life. Thank you.
I went to see Julie due to migraines that were occurring very 2 weeks. I have been seeing her for the past 4 weeks and haven't had one since. She is very professional and always explains what she is doing. She uses the Soaz method to get to the root of the problem instead of just applying a 'quick fix'. I can honestly recommend Julie to anyone who needs a great Physio!
Melissa Weckert
Melissa Weckert
My lower back was always giving me issues for the past ~6-7 years. It was a radiating pain from lower back (right side) down to my right foot. I did not know what causes it. I went to various physiotherapists, podiatrists even GPs just so I could be pain free. Still unlucky. The pain was so intense that it limits my concentration and disturbs my sleep- I took either paracetamol/ibuprofen just to ease the pain but I knew it wasn't good for my overall health. Approx. a month ago I found Julie (Posture Pro) online and decided to give it a try. First session was free and she investigated what might causes my back pain and her answer was my psoas muscles. (and she was gonna do SOAZ treatment on me). I wasn't convinced at that point but decided to give it a try and I guess my decision was completely right. After a couple of sessions, believe it or not, the radiating pain from my lower back (right) down to my right foot is now 95% gone (still have some tightness but it is normal- nothing is instant and there is no magic for you pain to go away completely). I am able to sleep properly, concentrate at work and no more paracetamol/ibuprofen! Very happy with the progress, the SOAZ method and Julie is highly recommended. Looking forward for living my life with no lower back pain!
Pat Egan
Pat Egan
After Seeing Julie for back pain (which was gone within two days) I continued to see her as I had suffered a stroke five years before. My mobility has improved considerably and also my fitness has improved.
Wendy Mah
Wendy Mah
I have been receiving regular treatment and maintenance from Julie Williams for a few years now, and I absolutely know that her Soaz method keeps me living a painfree life without the lower back pain which had constantly nagged me. I appreciate the way Julie always checks and rechecks my movements, often noting significant improvement immediately after she has treated my soaz muscles. I am indebted to Julie for the quality of life I continue to enjoy, which includes running, ballroom dancing and yoga.
Poppy Mee
Poppy Mee
Brilliant treatment - simple and effective!Have had lasting results and better overall health along with pain relief and increased range of motion
chris alexander
chris alexander
I went to Julie with a "pulled calf muscle" from running. I didn't realise that I had bigger problems with alignment that were easily treated. Now my sore calf is long forgotten, I am now able to run better than before and my posture has been improved. My ability to play the guitar has even improved as an unexpected consequence!Thanks Julie.
Tristan Rodda
Tristan Rodda
Posturepro techniques rectified my constant back pain which I have had years. Many thanks Julie.
Suzanne Rodda
Suzanne Rodda
Julie's Soaz Method has freed me from my persisting neck pain, shoulder pain and headaches. What a difference!! I can't thank her enough.
After suffering from sciatica and upper back and shoulder pain for years I finally decided to try something different. Julie's Soaz method has fixed both problems which is amazing and has given me levels of movement I didnt know I had. If you've got ongoing pain or restricted movement go to Posturepro. It will be the best thing you do. - Mark I
Michael Burns
Michael Burns
I visited Posturepro Physio with a longterm ( 20 year) recurring shoulder issue that had previously been treated at various times with cortisone injections, massage and traditional physio. Although all of these treatments provided some relief, they where only treating the symptoms NOT the real underlying problem.The Posturepro approach is to investigate the whole body and identify all of the underlying problems and to gather some baseline data on flexibility and movement ( or lack thereof!) and then commence treatment, including the SOAZ treatment .After three visits I had regained near 100% mobility in my shoulder - without any actual DIRECT treatment to the problem area - and significant reduction in associated pain & discomfort.A few more sessions and diligence with the prescribed exercises should see this problem fully resolved!
Soaz Therapy at Posturepro Physio has been a miracle for me! After years of trying so many different treatments to no avail, I deteriorated to the point I was bedridden with pain so bad on the soles of my feet that it felt like I was walking on glass the minute I stood. I was diagnosed with various conditions & told my options were to either live with it, medicate, have 'hopeful' surgery which could actually worsen my condition, etc. I tried various costly orthotics & treatments until I was treated with the Soaz Method which pin pointed the psoas & hips to be the cause of my neck & shoulder pain, excruciating feet & leg pain, headaches, leg length difference, arm & shoulder restriction & even seemingly unrelated symptoms like bowel troubles which eased. This treatment has been an absolute life saver for me. Now I can sleep without chronic hip & back pain, fully extend to both sides at weekly tai chi + enjoy fuller health in many areas. I couldn't bear to imagine where I'd be without it ( so limited) or the unneccessary pain I'd have to endure endlessly if it weren't for this wonder treatment. Soaz therapy has freed my body & given me back my life. I'm greatful to have the opportunity of on going treatments to alllow the freedom so I can live a better life & I know this amazing method will help every single person who is lucky enough to take part in it.
Sarah Hughes
Sarah Hughes
I first went to PosturePro as I the pain I was experiencing was not improving under my regular physio, and the term "Soaz" reminded me of successful Bowen treatment I'd had in the past. Julie's Soaz Method gave me much quicker relief than Bowen and has really got to the crux of my problems. I'm much straighter, my legs are now the same length, and I've lost the 'restless legs'.
Erica Pasfield
Erica Pasfield
Our whole family has received treatment at Posturepro over the last year and all have shown a very positive improvement in problems they were having with neck, back and shoulder pain.My husband has had ongoing problems with back and shoulder pain for many years, since starting treatment at Posturepro he has had a 100% improvement and has also learnt exercises to help prevent the problem from re-occuring.We are all very happy the results of using the Soaz Method and would recommend this treatment to anyone that has recurring back problems.
Di Charleson
Di Charleson
After suffering shoulder pain for over 2 years and leg pain for nearly 3 mths and trying several methods decided to try Posture Pro. I am impressed with the motivation, skills and knowledge that this practice uses to help people like me overcome their pain whilst teaching us to maintain our muscular system to stay healthy. I am amazed within such a short time of 5 treatments that I am just about pain free. Finding the source of the problem and not just the immediate area is very important. Thankyou for putting the smile back on my face.